List of publications
written by our lab members
A new strategy for gene targeting and functional proteomics using the DT40 cell line.
Orlowska KP, Klosowska K, Szczesny RJ, Cysewski D, Krawczyk PS, Dziembowski A.
Nucleic Acids Res.
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U6 RNA biogenesis and disease association.
Mroczek S, Dziembowski A.
Wiley Interdiscip Rev RNA.
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The RNA exosome complex central channel controls both exonuclease and endonuclease Dis3 activities in vivo and in vitro.
Drazkowska K, Tomecki R, Stodus K, Kowalska K, Czarnocki-Cieciura M, Dziembowski A.
Nucleic Acids Res.
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Identification of a novel human mitochondrial endo-/exonuclease Ddk1/c20orf72 necessary for maintenance of proper 7S DNA levels.
Szczesny RJ, Hejnowicz MS, Steczkiewicz K, Muszewska A, Borowski LS, Ginalski K, Dziembowski A.
Nucleic Acids Res.
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RNA decay machines: the exosome.
Chlebowski A, Lubas M, Jensen TH, Dziembowski A.
Biochim Biophys Acta.
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